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Music Wow Day
Posted: 6th March 2018When your headteacher belts out a tune on the guitar, you know it’s going to be a great day at school.
For pupils at Cooks Spinney Primary Academy it was just another Wow day to celebrate a new topic.
The school gets enthusiasm for every new topic started with a Wow day each half-term.
The latest Year 4 Wow day celebrated music with a visit from Marcel Pusey, of O-Generator, who worked with two classes to write and perform their own lyrics.
The enriched curriculum also featured a focus on science through sound, ICT by creating music online and literacy with a look at biographies of famous musicians.
Cristin Casey, director of performing arts for the Burnt Mill Academy Trust, said: “O-Generator training was brought to the primary schools across Burnt Mill Academy Trust to bring new music-making opportunities for our pupils.
“Using a cloud-based platform, learners are able to explore elements of rhythm, harmony and melody to create and perform their own music. It has excited and inspired dozens of young composers.”
Pupils dressed as their favourite popstars for the day and enjoyed performances on guitar by executive headteacher Stuart Pope and head of school Neil Stirrat.
Mr Stirrat said: “Wow days are an engaging and inclusive way to launch learning within a topic.
“This Wow day really got our children involved in creating music and learning about influential musicians, such as Stevie Wonder. The result – pupils are raring to go for the rest of the half-term and hungry to learn more.”
Pupils also visited Mark Hall library to carry out further research on biographies.
Tracy Pope, Year 4 teacher, said: “At Cooks Spinney, Wow days are a part of our planning. We create one each half term to engage the children and to get them excited for what they are about to learn.”