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🏃 Our amazing Year 2 pupils took part in an Indoor Athletics competition. They competed in field & track events against 20 other schools in the area. 💪 The activities included chest push, javelin, speed bounce, standing jump, and various relay races. pic.twitter.com/nZ8VXJLmar

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OPEN MORNING We're looking forward to welcoming prospective families to view our school on Wednesday 20th November at 10:00am & 1:45pm. To book onto a tour, please contact the school office: Telephone: 01279 437590 Email: admin.org.uk pic.twitter.com/Szcxp9E5a5

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🇮🇳 The pupils and staff at enjoyed 'The Taste Of India' as part of National School Meals Week. 🍛 The lunch included themed fun sheets and poppadum's and samosas. pic.twitter.com/fZpyFYrIOY

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REMINDER: We're looking forward to welcoming prospective families to view our school tomorrow at 10:00am and 1:45pm. To book onto a tour, please contact the school office: Telephone: 01279 437590 Email: admin.org.uk https://t.co/iHXwLs8LG8

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OPEN MORNING We're looking forward to welcoming prospective families to view our school on Wednesday 13th November at 10:00am & 1:45pm. To book onto a tour, please contact the school office: Telephone: 01279 437590 Email: admin.org.uk pic.twitter.com/Xk50F6EjJ7

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We celebrated our Young Carers this week with a fun trip to the park with Bertie, our therapy dog! 🐶 They were also treated to a delicious lunch on a VIP table! What an inspirational group of children! 💚 pic.twitter.com/Ju49gEh5l9

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☀️ Thank you to everyone who supported our Summer Fete on Friday! We were treated to range of stalls, a performance from our Dance Fusion pupils and some delicious ice cream! 🍦 pic.twitter.com/kz0KLryjhy

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🎸 We were treated to a wonderful musical performance last week from our Rocksteady pupils! 🥁 pic.twitter.com/xBruUqEj3j

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🏏 We had a fantastic day hosting our annual Sports Day! The children showed incredible sportsmanship and enjoyed testing out their skills on a variety of activities! Thank you to all the families who came to support and who joined us for a picnic afterwards! 🧺 pic.twitter.com/WAFy9Znozc

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📰 Our EYFS and KS1 pupils enjoyed a visit by a journalist! Some pupils also took part in a workshop where they interviewed staff, wrote an article and created a front page about an upcoming community project. What a fantastic end to Careers Week at Cooks Spinney! pic.twitter.com/rusuGA8xsB

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👮🏽‍♂️ Thank you to the fantastic police officers from who came in this week to talk about their careers. Our pupils were truly inspired!👮 pic.twitter.com/6o2072qUKm

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✏️ To continue our Careers Week celebrations, we had a host of wonderful visitors deliver Q&A sessions to our pupils. 🍕From a mobile pizza company owner and train driver to a nursery practitioner and freelance artist. Our pupils learnt so much! 🚂 🎨 pic.twitter.com/htvVTpmqly

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💇‍♀️ 👨🏾‍🍳To kick-start Cooks Spinney’s Careers Week, we asked some of our pupils what they would like to be when they grow up… We are very much looking forward to welcoming our visitors this week: police officers, journalists, artists & many more 👮🏽‍♂️👩🏻‍🍳 pic.twitter.com/WuwwCBYORt

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🍦 Well done to the children who got chosen for ice lolly Friday today! Keep up the hard work! 💚 pic.twitter.com/H6cNswYZP0

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🍦 Well done to the fantastic children chosen for Ice Lolly Friday! Keep up the great work! ☀️ pic.twitter.com/EsRivH0bvP

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🧗‍♀️ Our 6 pupils are having a fantastic time on their residential trip at Carroty Wood! So far, they’ve been rock climbing, pedal karting and mountain biking!🚵 pic.twitter.com/Q01fkkvvOf

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🔥 Our Year 1 pupils had a fantastic time recreating the Great Fire of London this week! 🔥 pic.twitter.com/a5gLXvw8Jq

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🎶 Our EYFS and KS1 pupils enjoyed singing their favourite song in singing assembly this week! 🎶 pic.twitter.com/Tp49sqzScD

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🎭 🎨 Earlier this week, we had an exciting curriculum day that focused on celebrating the arts! Pupils enjoyed participating in a range of activities from dancing to Footloose to singing along to the Beatles! 🎶 pic.twitter.com/kcvJP5WEHx

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🐑 🐐 To end ‘Our Furry Friends’ topic, Nursery pupils had a fantastic visit from Ark Farm! 🌾 Tam and Arron from the farm taught as all about the animals, what they give us, the food they eat and how we look after them. pic.twitter.com/WQbZZr6GtW

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Primary Governing Board

The Primary Governing Board (PGB) for Cooks Spinney & Freshwaters Primary Academies was previously known as the Local Governing Board/s.

The Primary Governing Board (PGB) for Cooks Spinney & Freshwaters Primary Academies aim to continue to improve communication and links between Board members, staff, parents and children and it hopes that part of this aim will be met through regular news updates providing information on Board membership and activities.

The PGB is actively involved in all aspects of school life. It has a responsibility to ensure that all members of the school communities are safe and have equality of opportunity and it works with school staff to support schools’ improvement and monitor the impact.

Additionally, its key areas of governance responsibilities are:

  1. Achievement of Pupils
  2. Behaviour & Safety
  3. Leadership & Management
  4. Quality of Teaching

PGB members are all volunteers and give up their skills, experience, and time for free, in order to help and support the schools. A large proportion are parents and can regularly be seen on school runs. Please feel free to stop any one of them in the playgrounds (or anywhere else for that matter!) with any question you might have about the respective schools. You may also write to the PGB via BMAT Governance – governance@bmatrust.org.uk.

The list below gives a quick run-down of who's who on the new Primary Governing Board.



Christopher Laws

Community Governor (Chair)

Neil Stirrat

Director of Primary Standards (BMAT) 

Amber Wade

Head of School (CSA)

Jackie Diggle

Headteacher (FWA)

Kerry Hester

Community Governor

Lauren Stilton

Community Governor

Michael Saunders


Jason Thorpe

Parent Governor

Faye Stokes

Parent Governor

Tracey Haggerty

Staff Governor

Jess Farrell

Acting Head of School (CSA)


Register of Interests

Name and appointment Confirmed Organisation Type of interest Notes From To
Name: Jackie Diggle
Appointment: academy headteacher
Term of office start: -
Term of office end: - 
Appointed by: - 
Confirmed: 11/11/2024 Freshwaters Primary Academy Headteacher - - -
Name: Jess Farrell
Appointment: ex-officio
Term of office start: - 
Term of office end: - 
Appointed by: - 

Nothing to Declare:


- - - - -
Name: Tracey Haggerty
Appointment: staff
Term of office start: 01/09/2023
Term of office end: 31/05/2028
Appointed by: - 

Nothing to Declare:


- - - - -
Name: Kerry Hester
Appointment: community
Term of office start: 01/06/2024
Term of office end: 31/05/2028
Appointed by: - 



- Other governance role - - -
Name: Christopher Laws
Appointment: community
Term of office start: 24/04/2021
Term of office end: 23/04/2025
Appointed by: - 

Nothing to Declare:


- - - -  
Name: Michael Saunders
Appointment: community
Term of office start: 26/04/2021
Term of office end: 25/04/2025
Appointed by: - 

Nothing to Declare:


- - - - -
Name: Lauren Stilton
Appointment: community
Term of office start: 24/04/2021
Term of office end: 23/04/2025
Appointed by: - 

Nothing to Declare:


- - - - -
Name: Neil Stirrat
Appointment: ex-officio
Term of office start: -
Term of office end: - 
Appointed by: - 

Nothing to Declare:


- - - - -
Name: Jason Thorpe
Appointment: parent
Term of office start: 26/04/2021
Term of office end: 25/04/2025
Appointed by: - 

Nothing to declare:


- - - - -
Name: Amber Wade
Appointment: academy headteacher
Term of office start: -
Term of office end: - 
Appointed by: - 
Not Confirmed - - - - -


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