Year 1 - Squirrels and Frogs
Spring Term 2025
Welcome back. We hope you had a nice break and are ready to settle back into the new half term.
This page is designed to provide you with the information needed to make the year as successful as possible.
In English, this half term, we will be continuing with our Read Write Inc lessons and reading Amazing Grace.
In Maths, this half term, we will be focusing on addition and subtraction within 50. Then moving on to measuring.
In Science, this half term, we will be learning about plants.
In Geography, this half term, we will be learning about the continents and oceans.
Wider curriculum
In Music, this half term, we will be learning the song In the Grove.
In Art, this half term, the children will be focusing on Printing.
In PSHE, this half term, we will be focusing on Health and Wellbeing.
In Computing, this half term. we will be focusing on computer systems.
In PE, this half term, the children will be focusing on invasion games and Yoga.
Squirrels class will have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Frogs class will have PE on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Homework will be sent out via Dojo.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the year 1 team via Dojo.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Year 1 Team