Special Educational Needs and disabilities
Cooks Spinney Primary School and Nursery, as part of Burnt Mill Academy Trust, is committed to providing an appropriate and high quality education to all the children living in our local area. We believe that all children, including those identified as having special educational needs and/or disabilities have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum, which is accessible to them, and to be fully included in all aspects of school life.
In summary, our approach to supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities can be divided into four strands and our full Special Educational Needs Policy is available to view or download HERE. If you have any questions regarding special educational needs at Cooks Spinney, please contact Ms Brooks (SENDCo) on 01279 437590.
High-Quality Teaching
•Consistently good, inclusive teaching, regularly monitored by the Senior Leadership Team covering a range of subjects.
•Specialist teachers teaching subjects such as P.E, languages and Art. Regular pupil progress meetings to monitor progress of all pupils.
•Rigorous feedback policy providing clear next steps and opportunities for pupil response.
•Interventions from the teacher/co-educators to quickly address any misconceptions, Class strategies including visual timetables, EAL (English as an additional language) strategies, SENCo advice, SEN awareness training.
•Oracy and collaborative learning approaches to promote self-esteem, communication, growth mindset and social awareness.
Monitoring and Referral
If a child is identified as needing extra support in class, class teachers will monitor them. Teachers will try a range of strategies in class to meet arising needs and use the provisional guidance to seek strategies of support.
Teachers may also meet with parents and carers to discuss their child's needs if they feel needs could be supported at home.
Intervention groups may be approriate depending on need.
Class Teachers may make a referral to the SEN team if they feel further support is needed via a One Plan.
One Plans
A One Plan is a person-centred approach with individual outcomes and provision mapping. All One Plans are overseen by the SEND Team with termly meetings held between the child, parents, class teacher, co-educators and SEND Team.
Targeted interventions can be offered including Phonics, Plus One Maths, fine and gross motor skills, social skills, life skills, and speech and language support.
Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP)
Some children with 'high needs' may require an Education Health Care Plan statutory assessment providing a detailed assessment of the childs needs, setting outcomes with input from an Educational Psychologist and other external agencies. These are reviewed annually.
EHCPs are reviewed and granted by the Local Authority (Essex County Council).
If an EHCP is granted by the Local Authority, there may be additional funding released to support the child and an annual review of the plan becomes statutory. Annual EHCP reviews should involve all persons working with the child including the SENDCO, Local Authority staff and the child's family.
Specialist training and support for the SENDCo and other focus adults is often provided alongside EHCPs.