Year 6 - Eagles and Wolves
Spring 2, 2025
This page is designed to provide you with the information needed to make the year as successful as possible.
Topics this half term:
In English, this half term we are reading Letters from the Lighthouse by David Almond.
Writing will be taught through The Write Stuff approach by Jane Considine. This method allows pupils to improve their oracy and widen their vocabulary in every lesson, whilst deepening their understanding of writerly choices.
In Mathematics, pupils will be looking at fractions, decimals and percentages.
In Science, we will be concentrating on Evolution and Inheritance.
In Religious Education, we will be studying Religious Expression.
In PSHE, we will be concentrating on Relationships.
In Music, we will be learning You've Got a Friend by Carole King.
In Computing, we will be looking at Computer Systems and Networks.
P.E days are on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on the relevant days. If your child has their ears pierced, they will be required to either take out the earrings or cover them with tape for the lesson.
Homework and Spellings
Homework is an essential part of pupils' learning. This will be set on Class Dojo. This will involve weekly spelling, grammar, reading comprehension activities and maths, which will be set every Thursday. Children must bring in their homework books every Thursday. If you require a paper copy of the homework, please ask your class teacher for one.
Reading is an integral part of Year 6.This year we are having a big push to promote a love of reading across the school. It is very important that you ensure your children are reading on a daily basis, and, where possible, ask them questions about what they have read to support their comprehension.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch via Class Dojo or the teacher directly.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours faithfully,
Ms Dackombe, Mr Carr, Mrs Dring, Ms Whitbread and Ms Goodge