Year 2 - Butterflies and Ladybirds
Autumn Term 2024
We would like to give you are warm welcome back after the Summer Break. This term we will be learning the following:
Year 2 will be continuing to follow the Read, Write, Inc. programme. During this term, your child will be placed into similar reading attainment groups, where they will be able to read a story fluently and complete writing tasks based on what they have read. Your child will be bringing home 3 books each week (storybook, book bag book and a library book). Please ensure your child reads these books with you and returns them by the date written in their reading records. Additionally, our English class text will be Look Inside Space by Jones Lloyd.
The initial focus for Maths this half term will be place value. The children will be focussing on numbers up to 20. They will compare, order and learn how to partition numbers. From here, they will move onto addition and subtraction. They will cement their knowledge of number bonds to 10, 20 and 100. They will create fact families using their understanding of related facts. We will then begin to focus on adding and subtracting from a 2-digit number.
Throughout the year, in tandem with their core Maths lessons, the children will be following a Mastering Number programme. The aim of this programme is to cement the children’s deep knowledge and understanding of numbers and how they are linked.
We will be focusing on Uses of Everyday Materials as our science topic this term. We will start by identifying materials and discussing whether they are natural or man-made. We will then focus on the properties of materials and how these impact they way we use them and how they are used.
Our production this year is called ‘The Goblin Next Door’. It tells the story of an obnoxious, noisy goblin who moves next door to the gentle folk of fairyland, causing mayhem and trouble. Can he be persuaded to leave? Or will he see the error of his ways and turn over a new leaf?
In music, we will be learning the humorous songs for our production.
PE will be on occur on a Tuesday and Wednesday for Butterflies a Tuesday and Thursday for Ladybirds.