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Children take over lessons
Posted: 9th July 2018Children took charge of lessons as the role of teacher was handed over to pupils.
Maths mentors have been appointed at Cooks Spinney Primary Academy with responsibility for supporting the learning of their peers, supporting their teachers, building a positive ethos towards maths and acting as role models.
Two children from each class in Year 1 to 6 given the role stepped into the position of teacher when they were tasked with running a whole lesson to the year group below them.
The mentors were presented with badges during assembly.
Assistant headteacher Luke Wildig said the idea came from a conversation among staff on how to challenge more able children further.
He said: “We believe that if children are able to explain a concept – to teach it - they need to have a very deep, clear understanding on that subject area. We are doing this to encourage peer to peer learning, to build confidence among our pupils, to challenge our more able students and it will allow us, the teachers, to assess the children’s in-depth understanding of mathematics.
“Children did an amazing job, they explained the learning very clearly and supported the children to achieve their targets in the lesson.”
Every lesson was taught by pupils at the same time, with teachers acting as their co-educators.
The lessons were so successful, they are going take place every half-term.
Reading mentors may be appointed in future to support the progress of reading across the school.