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Free breakfast for school children
Posted: 11th March 2019Children are keener than ever to get to school in the mornings…to eat their free breakfast.
Every pupil at Cooks Spinney Primary Academy is being given the most important meal of the day when they arrive on site each day.
The school has signed up to the National Breakfast Programme which sees children given a choice of cereal when they arrive at 8.45am.
As well as ensuring children are energised for the day ahead, the scheme has brought other benefits.
Headteacher Neil Stirrat said: “Research shows eating breakfast improves concentration and behaviour and there is a social element to it, too, as they are getting to eat with their friends and teacher.
“We have found the breakfast has also improved time-keeping as parents no longer have to rush around at home to feed the children before school.
“It is brilliant.”
Parent Andy Willson said: “This helps as I have an early start in the morning to get to work. I know that he will get his brain food!”
Donna Sheekey said: “Eating cereal at school means that my child gets the extra iron that he needs. Also, my kids love eating with their friends!”
The school has funding to provide the free meal until 2020.