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Teachers launch storytime website
Posted: 21st April 2020Children are getting to enjoy daily story time sessions with their teachers from the comfort of their own homes.
While schools are closed due to the Coronavirus pandemic, teachers are finding new ways to keep in touch with their classes and to continue to teach and inspire them.
At Cooks Spinney Primary Academy teachers have launched the Spinney Stories website, featuring stories read by the school’s teachers.
Jen Pearce, deputy head, set up the site and said: “My idea was to provide access to free audio stories for children to listen to if they do not have access to books, cannot read or have no one to read a bedtime story to them. It also gives parents a bit of respite during these uncertain times. They could put on a story and have a few minutes to themselves while their children listen.
“Those who have already recorded a story have said how therapeutic and fun they have found it and even that it has taken them back to their own childhood. So, it has many purposes: stories for children, therapy and nostalgia for adults and a bit of a laugh. All for free!”
Teachers have recorded stories, poems, rhymes, novel chapters and extracts suitable for children of all ages.
Pupils are being challenged to guess which teacher is reading the story of the day.
Headteacher Neil Stirrat said: “We want our children to still feel they are in contact with their school and for them to hear from their teachers as they read their favourite stories. Teachers are using it as an opportunity to say hello to the children and to tell them they are missing them. It has been really nice for everyone.
“We are, of course, encouraging everyone to read at home during the school closure. We have launched the site now because of Coronavirus, but it is something we will build on when we are all back at school and invite children to get involved by recording their own stories to share.”
Teachers are also posting videos of themselves reading on the school’s Facebook page.