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Pirates vs Mermaids
Posted: 23rd November 2021Last term, Year 2 put on an amazing performance involving swash buckling pirates and fearsome mermaids! The pupils and teachers rehearsed every week singing songs, practising their lines and refining their dance moves all ready for a show stopping performance. The children were so proud and excited to perform to an audience of parents/carers. The teachers were so incredibly proud of their confidence, resilience and their ability to work as a team.
When pupils were asked how they felt after performing in the show, one child said ‘Before the play I felt nervous but after I felt proud.’ – Ladybirds class. Another said ‘Before the play I was worried but after I felt relieved that it went well.’ – Butterflies class.
The year 2 teachers want to say a huge thank you to parents and carers for all your support with costumes and helping children learn their lines at home. A special thank you to Mrs. Mapp who created some amazing props and scenery to really set the scene. Overall, it was a real success and well done to all involved!