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CS Tesco
Posted: 9th March 2015Children are following the journey of the food on their plate.
Pupils from all year groups at Cooks Spinney Primary School, in Cooks Spinney, Harlow, are learning about where their food comes from.
Year 1 and Year 6 classes have already taken the opportunity to go behind the scenes at Tesco, in Church Langley, and the rest of the school will follow.
At the supermarket, they found food items on the shelves, before locating the country of origin on a map and then tasting it.
Stuart Pope, head of the Burnt Mill Co-operative Academy Trust school, said: “This is an opportunity to show our children the journey their food takes, from farm to fork.
“Not only are the children getting to find the food in the store and try it, they are learning how far the items have travelled by referring to their maps.
“It is an absolutely amazing experience and something else that enriches and inspires their learning. We are very far from the stereotypical curriculum here; it’s what makes us different.”
Children are also getting the opportunity to see behind the scenes at Tesco, going into the warehouse and experiencing the extreme temperatures of the giant fridges and freezers.