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Children In Need 2015
Posted: 11th November 2015It is a busy week for Pudsey Bear but he found time to visit the Children at Cooks Spinney on Tuesday. The children had a great surprise when Pudsey walked into the dinner hall and into their classrooms.
We are supporting Children In Need this Friday 13th November. All children will be taking part in Pudsey themed activities throughout the day with the chance of winning prizes.
Class Teachers will be taking donations from children in the morning, the two classes that raise the most money for Children In Need (one class from lower school and one class from upper school) will get 15 minutes extra playtime as a special treat!
Pixie, Sprites and Unicorns are also being asked to bring in a 20p donation for Children In Need to decorate a cupcake, yum!
Please send in your donations for Children In Need this Friday 13th November 2015. Thank you