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Author Jack Trelawny opens new library
Posted: 6th February 2017On Monday 6th February Cooks Spinney was visited by author Jack Trelawny, one of the world's leading childrens authors.
A special assembly was held where children were treated to a reading from Mr Trelawny alongside some insight into his inspiration for characters and stories. Some pupils were rewarded with book prizes for correctly answering questions about the reading. The assembly ended with a Q&A session with pupils asking how and why the author started writing childrens stories.
Mr Trelawny then joined some pupils and head of school, Mr Stirrat, for the grand opening of the newly refurbished library. Before ending his visit, Mr Trelawny took time to sign some books for pupils and presented the school with some copies for the new library.
Photos from the event can be seen in the gallery.