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The Power House Games
Posted: 7th November 2019On Thursday 7th November Cooks Spinney SEND students took part in the amazing Power House Event at Felsted School.
The students got the chance to experience sitting volleyball, netball, Kurling, Boccia and blind folded football (Goalball). They had a great day and received a water bottle and t-shirt to keep. They were then presented with a certificate and a medal which they brought home.
The Power House Games is a concept launched by #Power2InspireUK, a charity founded by John Willis five years ago to promote “Inclusion through Sport”. John was born without fully formed arms or legs, but that hasn’t stopped him from enjoying sport, culminating in 34 Olympic and Paralympic sports in the run up to the 2016 Rio Games, his “Road2Rio Challenge”. You can see more on their website.