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CS sink hole
Posted: 16th January 2015Shocked children and parents arrived to find a giant sink hole had appeared in their school hall.
A warning sign outside of Cooks Spinney Primary School, in Cooks Spinney, Harlow, told how the recent adverse weather had created the natural disaster.
Each year group was taken one by one into the school hall to witness the hole and to pose for photos standing on a bridge over it.
The “hole” was in fact part of the school’s latest Wow day, where it captures the imagination of its students at the start of a topic.
Stuart Pope, head of school, said: “Year 3 have been studying natural disasters and we wanted to hold a Wow day to bring that to life for them. Children and parents alike were caught up in the buzz around school today; it really caught everyone’s attention which is great.”
Manou Bendon, of PR and advertising agency Media Gang, produced the 3D sink hole artwork for the charity Loom To The Moon and has taken it on the road to raise awareness.
Mr Pope said: “This follows along our theme of inspiring kids at the start of a new topic. It’s our new approach as we believe the curriculum should be lead by topics that teach all skills, including research gathering and fact finding. It’s not necessarily the topic that’s important, but teaching those life skills.
“Being part of the Trust, we have the freedom to operate in this way. A few years ago, the children would have learnt about natural disasters by watching a film. Instead of the focus being on maths or writing, we’ve taught the children about natural disasters using art which has really got them interested.
“This is what makes us unique.”
The visitor gave an assembly at Cooks Spinney, a Burnt Mill Co-operative Academy Trust school, to also inspire children to consider using their creative art skills to form a future career for themselves.
Mr Bendon said: “I have used this piece of advertising artwork to inspire the kids to think about different types of jobs which are out there. There are jobs which involve painting, drawing or dancing that can be a lot of fun. It’s been about showing them whatever their talents are, if they work hard they can achieve.”